RapidNet Library

Collaboration diagram for RapidNet Library:


class  ns3::rapidnet::Aggregator
 An base class for all database aggregate operations. More...
class  ns3::rapidnet::AggrMin
 Implements the database aggregate operation MIN. More...
class  ns3::rapidnet::AggrMax
 Implements the database aggregate operation MAX. More...
class  ns3::rapidnet::AggWrap
 A base class for all aggregate-wrap implementation. More...
class  ns3::rapidnet::AggWrapCount
 Aggregate wrap implementation for the count aggregate. More...
class  ns3::rapidnet::AggWrapMinMax
 A single aggregate wrap for both Min/Max. We use the template method pattern to let the base classes implement the. More...
class  ns3::rapidnet::AggWrapMin
 Aggregate wrap for the min aggregate operation. More...
class  ns3::rapidnet::AggWrapMax
 Aggregate wrap for the max aggregate operation. More...
class  ns3::rapidnet::AppDecoratorTrigger
 A generic trigger defined for emitting decorator- frontend events for visualization. More...
class  ns3::rapidnet::AppNodeStateTrigger
 A trigger to record a node specific event. More...
class  ns3::rapidnet::AppLinkStateTrigger
 A trigger to record a link specific event. More...
class  ns3::rapidnet::AppTupleStateTrigger
 A trigger to record a tuple event at a node. More...
class  ns3::rapidnet::Assignor
 Implements the database assignment operation. An assignor assigns an attribute with a given name to a tuple by evaluating an. More...
class  ns3::rapidnet::Database
 A RapidNet database. More...
class  ns3::rapidnet::Expression
 Abstract base class for all expressions. More...
class  ns3::rapidnet::Operation
 An operation over one (unary) or two (binary) operands which are in turn expressions. More...
class  ns3::rapidnet::ValueExpr
 A value expression. Evaluates to the value itself. More...
class  ns3::rapidnet::VarExpr
 A variable expression. The variable name is the name of a tuple attribute. It evaluates to the value of that attribute in the given tuple. More...
class  ns3::rapidnet::RangeExpr
 Range expression. It is one of the 4 types as defined by Interval. More...
class  ns3::rapidnet::FunctionExpr
 Function call as an expression. This class is merely a a marker interface for all functions, it does not provide any functionality. More...
class  ns3::rapidnet::HeapRelation
 A special type of relation that is similar to a min-heap or a max-heap. More...
class  ns3::rapidnet::RapidNetApplicationBase
 A base class for all RapidNet applications. More...
class  ns3::rapidnet::RapidNetDecoratorFrontend
 A RapidNet extension to the decorator frontend used for visualization. More...
class  ns3::rapidnet::RapidNetHeader
 RapidNet extension of. More...
class  ns3::rapidnet::RelationBase
 A base class for relation objects. A relation has a name and is a collection of. More...
class  ns3::rapidnet::Relation
 A database relation with key attributes defined. More...
class  ns3::rapidnet::Selector
 Implements the database select operation. It evaluates an expression against the given tuple and returns true if the tuple should be selected, false otherwise. More...
class  ns3::rapidnet::TempRelation
 A relation that is implemented as a list of tuples. More...
class  ns3::rapidnet::Trigger
 A callback function object that serves as a database trigger. More...
class  ns3::rapidnet::TriggerList
 A list of triggers. More...
class  ns3::rapidnet::TupleAttribute
 Represents an attribute of a tuple. An attribute is a name-value pair. More...
class  ns3::rapidnet::Tuple
 A RapidNet tuple. A RapidNet tuple is a collection of. More...


 RapidNet Functions
 RapidNet Value Types


enum  ns3::rapidnet::Operator
 Enumeration of all supported operators.


string ns3::rapidnet::OpString (Operator op)
 Returns a string representation for the operator.

Generated on Fri Apr 9 15:01:05 2010 for NS-3 by  doxygen 1.5.8