Question: How can we customize the SeNDlog features?
Answer: SeNDlog implementation in RapidNet implements encryption and authentication features. Both these are implemented to allow customizations.
- Authentication: The SendlogAuthenticationManager is the base class for all authentication implementations. A sample and useful implementation provided for this is the PkiAuthenticationManager which uses public and private keys for authentication. To add a new authentication implementation, extend the SendlogAuthenticationManager class and implement the required methods. Update the factory method RapidNetApplicationBase::SendlogInit to create an instance of your implementation class.
- Encryption: The SendlogEncryptionManager is the base class for all encryption implementations. A sample implementation provided for this is the BlowfishAuthenticationManager which uses public and private keys for authentication. Update the factory method RapidNetApplicationBase::SendlogInit to create an instance of your implementation class. To add a new authentication implementation, extend the SendlogEncryptionManager class and implement the required methods.