Question: I want to implement a new protocol X which uses a new type of header Y. How do I implement and use this new header Y in ns-3 ?
Answer: The key is to implement a new subclass of the ns3::Header base class to represent your protocol header:
class YHeader : public Header { public: // must be implemented to become a valid new header. static TypeId GetTypeId (void); virtual TypeId GetInstanceTypeId (void) const; virtual uint32_t GetSerializedSize (void) const; virtual void Serialize (Buffer::Iterator start) const; virtual uint32_t Deserialize (Buffer::Iterator start); virtual void Print (std::ostream &os) const; // allow protocol-specific access to the header data. void SetData (uint32_t data); uint32_t GetData (void) const; private: uint32_t m_data; };
Once this class is implemented, you can easily store your protocol header into a packet:
Ptr<Packet> p = ...;
YHeader yHeader;
yHeader.SetData (0xdeadbeaf);
// copy the header into the packet
p->AddHeader (yHeader);
Ptr<Packet> p = ...;
YHeader yHeader;
// copy the header from the packet
p->RemoveHeader (yHeader);
uint32_t data = yHeader.GetData ();
The implementation of the new header is very simple. First, you need to give a TypeId to your YHeader class:
TypeId YHeader::GetTypeId (void) { static TypeId tid = TypeId ("YHeader") .SetParent<Header> () .AddConstructor<YHeader> () ; return tid; } TypeId YHeader::GetInstanceTypeId (void) { return GetTypeId (); }
Then, you need to allow your header to serialize and deserialize itself to a byte buffer in its network representation. Here, our new protocol header contains first a 2-byte constant, and, then, the data field so, the total size of the header is 2+4=6 bytes.
uint32_t YHeader::GetSerializedSize (void) const { return 6; } void YHeader::Serialize (Buffer::Iterator start) const { // The 2 byte-constant start.WriteU8 (0xfe); start.WriteU8 (0xef); // The data. start.WriteHtonU32 (m_data); } uint32_t YHeader::Deserialize (Buffer::Iterator start) { uint8_t tmp; tmp = start.ReadU8 (); NS_ASSERT (tmp == 0xfe); tmp = start.ReadU8 (); NS_ASSERT (tmp == 0xef); m_data = start.ReadNtohU32 (); return 6; // the number of bytes consumed. }
Finally, to make sure that Packet::Print also prints the content of your header, just as it prints the content of the other headers of the system, you need to provide a Print method:
void YHeader::Print (std::ostream &os) const { os << "data=" << m_data; }
The code will look the same if you want to implement a trailer, that is, a protocol data structure which will be appended to the end of the packet, not its start: you need to make sure that you derive from the ns3::Trailer base class and that you call Packet::AddTrailer and Packet::RemoveTrailer. Another important detail is that you must make sure to rewind the iterator in your Serialize and Deserialize methods writing to or reading from the underlying buffer.