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Classes | |
class | ns3::RandomVariable |
The basic RNG for NS-3.
Note: The underlying random number generation method used by NS-3 is the RngStream code by Pierre L'Ecuyer at the University of Montreal. More... | |
class | ns3::UniformVariable |
The uniform distribution RNG for NS-3.
This class supports the creation of objects that return random numbers from a fixed uniform distribution. It also supports the generation of single random numbers from various uniform distributions. More... | |
class | ns3::ConstantVariable |
A random variable that returns a constant
Class ConstantVariable defines a random number generator that returns the same value every sample. More... | |
class | ns3::SequentialVariable |
Return a sequential list of values
Class SequentialVariable defines a random number generator that returns a sequential sequence. The sequence monotonically increases for a period, then wraps around to the low value and begins monotonicaly increasing again. More... | |
class | ns3::ExponentialVariable |
Exponentially Distributed random var
This class supports the creation of objects that return random numbers from a fixed exponential distribution. It also supports the generation of single random numbers from various exponential distributions. More... | |
class | ns3::ParetoVariable |
ParetoVariable distributed random var
This class supports the creation of objects that return random numbers from a fixed pareto distribution. It also supports the generation of single random numbers from various pareto distributions. More... | |
class | ns3::WeibullVariable |
WeibullVariable distributed random var
This class supports the creation of objects that return random numbers from a fixed weibull distribution. It also supports the generation of single random numbers from various weibull distributions. More... | |
class | ns3::NormalVariable |
Class NormalVariable defines a random variable with a normal (Gaussian) distribution.
This class supports the creation of objects that return random numbers from a fixed normal distribution. It also supports the generation of single random numbers from various normal distributions. More... | |
class | ns3::EmpiricalVariable |
EmpiricalVariable distribution random var
Defines a random variable that has a specified, empirical distribution. The distribution is specified by a series of calls to the CDF member function, specifying a value and the probability that the function value is less than the specified value. When values are requested, a uniform random variable is used to select a probabililty, and the return value is interpreted linerarly between the two appropriate points in the CDF. The method is known as inverse transform sampling: (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse_transform_sampling). More... | |
class | ns3::IntEmpiricalVariable |
Integer-based empirical distribution
Defines an empirical distribution where all values are integers. Indentical to EmpiricalVariable, except that the inverse transform sampling interpolation described in the EmpiricalVariable documentation is modified to only return integers. More... | |
class | ns3::DeterministicVariable |
a non-random variable
Defines a random variable that has a specified, predetermined sequence. This would be useful when trying to force the RNG to return a known sequence, perhaps to compare NS-3 to some other simulator More... | |
class | ns3::LogNormalVariable |
Log-normal Distributed random var
LogNormalVariable defines a random variable with log-normal distribution. If one takes the natural logarithm of random variable following the log-normal distribution, the obtained values follow a normal distribution. This class supports the creation of objects that return random numbers from a fixed lognormal distribution. It also supports the generation of single random numbers from various lognormal distributions. More... | |
class | ns3::GammaVariable |
Gamma Distributed Random Variable
GammaVariable defines a random variable with gamma distribution. More... | |
class | ns3::ErlangVariable |
Erlang Distributed Random Variable
ErlangVariable defines a random variable with Erlang distribution. More... | |
class | ns3::ZipfVariable |
Zipf Distributed random var (between 1 and n included). More... | |
class | ns3::TriangularVariable |
Triangularly Distributed random var
This distribution is a triangular distribution. The probablility density is in the shape of a triangle. More... | |
class | ns3::RngStream |
Combined Multiple-Recursive Generator MRG32k3a. More... |